Collins UK

jury-Brig BK-Khanna

Brig (Dr) B K Khanna, SM, VSM

Lead Senior Consultant, FICCI and CEO ARISE INDIA

Brig (Dr) B K Khanna, SM, VSM was commissioned in the Indian Army in 1966. He served as the commanding officer of the Battalion (Napiers Rifles) in Sri Lanka, where he received the Sena Medal for gallantry. Currently, he holds the position of Lead Senior Consultant and CEO at ARISE INDIA under FICCI. Brig Khanna has authored 357 articles and three books on Disaster Management (DM) and Climate Change. He has also been a visiting faculty member in 37 universities and professional institutions. Moreover, he has conducted over 2100 mock exercises in all 37 States/Union Territories, including one sponsored by the United Nations. He is recognised as a pioneer for advocating and innovating strategies to address climate change.